Swing over the bed 330 mmSwing over Cross slide 190 mmDistance between centres 635 mmSpindle Speeds 53-2000 rpmSpindle Bore 36 mmC/w 3 & 4 jaw chucks, & DRO, New 2014.
Serial Number 17913Working Surface of the table … 610 x 178 mmLongitudinal traverse of table …635 mmCross Traverse of Table … 203 mmVertical movement of wheel-head …279 mmSize of Grinding wheel 200 x 20 x 31, 75 mmC/w Coolant and Light
Centre Height…167 mm
Distance between centres…635 mm
Swing over Bed…330 mm
Swing over cross slide… 210 mm
Spindle bore dia … 40 mm
Spindle speeds…40 -2500rpmC/w 3 /4jaw chuck, Quick Change Tool-post with holders, DRO, Light, rear splash g...
One of the fastest and strongest milling clamps available anywhere, these clamps are easily set up and broken down, making them ideal for odd-shaped parts and short cycle times. The worm-and-gear design ensures that the clamp will not loosen with use...